Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tweet on Twitter, annual Thursday round up

Get a jump on #FF, aka Follow Friday!  Here are some of the people we are following on Twitter, today!

Debra Pierce Bellare, @snapshotsbysam -- Sam Maloney is an amazing photographer.  His pictures are beautiful and captivating.  His mom, Debra, share his pictures and videos with the public via Twitter and Facebook.  She also talks about Sam, advocating on his behalf and his experiences with photography and music therapy

R-word Campaign, @EndTheWord -- A partnership between the Special Olympics and Best Buddies, this Twitter account focuses on ending the use of the R-Word.  They retweet lots of discussions surrounding #Rword and have lots of great tweets that get you thinking.

ABILITY Magazine, @abilitymag -- Award winning magazine and one of the first newsstand publications focusing on health and disability.  They've featured lots of celebrities with disabilities or with a connection to a disability-related cause. 

And...of course...if you haven't already...tweet with us, @OntarioARC.

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