Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Congratulations, Barb Davis!

In our upcoming issue of ARC Life (June / July), you are going to read about many staff changes going on in the agency.  One of those changes, revolves around the retirement of Barb Davis, who served Ontario ARC for 28 years.  She is enjoying her first Monday morning as a retired person.  Barb was the agency's director of quality assurance and staff development.  But she wasn't always a director...Barb was worked in different departments within the agency, including transportation.  She is always the first person to volunteer and help out whenever necessary -- a true example of Teamwork, one of the agency's Values.

And, even though she's not working here, we all know we will see Barb around -- whether she's just dropping by the Main Facility, helping out with our annual residential camp, going to the Eberhardt Carnival or visiting our participants.  And, I'm sure we'll see her at the agency's major fundraiser, Cruisin' for a Cause.  We all wish her the best as she enjoy this time with her friends and family.

See you around, Barb!

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