Friday, April 23, 2010

Film Workshop at Hobart & William Smith

As I'm sure you already know, the Disability in the Arts Festival is going on this week at Hobart and William Smith Colleges.  This morning, I had the chance to hang out with the agency's College Experience program as they attended the Film Workshop -- led by Anthony DiSalvo, executive director of Sprout,  and Prof. Mary Kelly, HWS professor.  Mr. Di Salvo talked about this experiences creating films with people who have developmental disabilities and the Sprout Film Festival.  In addition, he showed two of the short films he created -- Sherri & Paul and How I Feel About That.  If you didn't get the chance to attend one of viewing sessions held yesterday, I highly suggest checking out their Web site and YouTube channel.

The College Experience crew was also brought on stage, along with the HWS Inclusive Film Crew and Prof. Kelly, to discuss their experiences making films together.  They showed their short instructional video on "How To Make A Pancake Breakfast" (which looked delicious, by the way).  They even showed a sneak peak of their interview with Steven Kuusisto, Ralph Savarese, and Susanne Antonetta, who led a workshop about poetry and writing on April 9. 

The group broke out into smaller groups to create their own films -- which is what they are doing right now.  I'm excited to see what they've created, and I'm hoping that we can get some of those films up here for you to view.

Also -- on a side note -- I know I keep mentioning the films.  But Ontario ARC also has some of the artwork created by participants in the Creative Expressions' Art Program being showcased during this phenomenal festival -- tonight, 6:30 - 9 p.m., at Hobart & William Smiths' Vandevort Room in the Scandling Campus Center.   If you are looking for more information about the artwork being featured, contact Pilar Nadal -- Ontario ARC's art specialist -- at 585-919-2056.

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