Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From Ontario ARC's Board President, Joe Bognanno

Hello and welcome to Ontario ARC's official blog!  If you aren't sure who we are or what we do, check out our Web site -- http://www.ontarioarc.org/.

Last week, Joe Bognanno -- board president and active Chapter member -- wrote a letter to parents involved with our organization inviting them to a meeting to discussed the budget cuts proposed by Governor Paterson.  Here's what he wrote...

November 6, 2009

Dear Parent:

We are faced with a crisis in our field unlike anything we have ever seen. Governor Paterson is proposing massive cuts, which will directly impact services for people with developmental disabilities. If the cuts are approved, the results will be devastating. This will mean close to a $2 million loss of funding to Ontario ARC and directly impact the people we serve.

Every program and service we offer is at risk and we need you to be informed. If you have a family member who receives a service such as residential, clinical, service coordination, recreation or any of our day programs, they are all at risk. Any of these services could be drastically reduced or eliminated all together. We are asking you to attend a very important informational meeting to hear more about our dilemma and what you can do to help.

Please plan on attending one of the meetings below. All meetings will be held at Ontario ARC’s Main Facility, 3071 County Complex Drive, Canandaigua. Please RSVP to Donna Auria at (585) 394-7500 ext. 191 or dauria@ontarioarc.org.

Meetings Dates and Times:

Wednesday, November 18th 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Wednesday, November 18th 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Thursday, November 19th 6:30 – 7:30 PM

I encourage you to attend and help us prepare to face very difficult times.

                                        Joseph Bognanno
                                        President, Ontario ARC Board of Directors

1 comment:

  1. More than 125 parents, family members and agency chapter members are signed up to attend one of the upcoming meetings on Nov. 18 and 19. Joe Bognanno and Bill C. will be informing them about the impact potential budget cuts could have on the agency. In addition, parents will be sharing what the impact could have on their families. We will be encouraging the attendees to participate in advocacy efforts and will provide them with the info they need to do so.


We encourage everyone to share their feelings and thoughts about all of our postings. Please be respectful and refrain from using inappropriate language.