Friday, December 10, 2010

Respect is more than just as word

Ontario ARC has seven Values words that shape everything we do.  From developing new programs, to teaching our staff, and even how we interact with not only each other but the people we serve.  We even have a Values Committee to help promote and encourage the values.

Respect just happens to one of the seven words.  It helps guides the agency in several areas -- most importantly, in the form of people-first language.  People with any kind of disability are just that -- people.  And while agencies like Ontario ARC and others of our kind have made more than just strides over the past fifty years, there is still work to be done.  We've featured a lot content and information about the "R-Word" on the blog and how hurtful the word can be.   This morning, The Arc of The US's Facebook page featured a video about the R-Word from The Arc of NJ.  

How does the R-Word make you feel? And what do you do when people say it? Feel free to share in the comment section.

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We encourage everyone to share their feelings and thoughts about all of our postings. Please be respectful and refrain from using inappropriate language.